AM Septic Design

Helping you find simple, fast, and straightforward solutions to on-lot sewage disposal.

headshot of allen w madeira, am septic design

Allen W. Madeira, SEO

Allen W. Madeira began his career with Berks Envirotech, Inc. in 1990.

Originally hired as a draftsman, Allen began learning to design septic systems from the very beginning. He served as Sewage Enforcement Officer for multiple municipalities in Berks and surrounding counties for over thirty years, eventually becoming the owner and president of Envirotech.


After leaving a long career in municipal code enforcement, Allen has formed a new design and consulting endeavor in AM Septic Design, LLC. This is where Allen can focus his experience and abilities to represent individual clients as they seek to obtain permits for on-lot sewage disposal and small flow treatment facilities. Allen also provided storm water testing services to Temple, Pottsville, Orwigsburg, Hamburg, and beyond.

Other Activities
Since 2007, Allen has served on the Board of Directors of the Hamburg Our Town Foundation, a community revitalization organization. He serves on various committees as the need arises and he is also a member of the Hamburg Area Arts Alliance after having served as chairman for several years.

Allen is a practicing artist and picture framer ( He is also a PA certified K – 12 art teacher and has taught privately and for the Art Alliance.


Contact me:

Phone: 610-781-6931


sample of a drip design schematic allen has made before, septic design

On-lot Sewage Disposal System Design

AM Septic Design can design any on-lot sewage disposal system. Small or large; residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional; individual or community. Allen has designed hundreds of systems!

small flow treatment facilities manual cover

Preparation, Planning and Design of Small Flow Sewage Treatment Facilities

AMSD helps clients navigate the complexities of PA DEP planning and permitting requirements. SFSTs can be a useful but daunting solution to these complex cases, and we have years of experience with them.

jamie helping allen madeira document stormwater testing results

Stormwater Testing

AMSD also offers storm water testing using the Guelph Permeometer, an approved method that is more accurate and efficient than the double ring method that is often used. We offer competitive quotes!

On-Lot Sewage Disposal

Providing options and exceeding minimum requirements.

Allen W. Madeira started his career as a draftsman. He also quickly obtained his Sewage Enforcement Officer’s license (No. 02371, issued February 28,1991) and began working for various municipalities in Berks, Lancaster and Schuylkill Counties. As such, he has over 30 years’ experience specifically in the field of septic system design and consulting.

on lot sewage disposal system with a very strange shape, septic designSeeing the need for quality design and consulting services, Allen has created AM Septic Design LLC as a means of serving individuals as well as commercial clients to fill that specific niche. Currently serving clients around Orwigsburg, Temple, Pottsville and more, Allen no longer serves as a municipal SEO, thereby eliminating any conflict of interest with municipal service. AM Septic Design LLC can legally consult and design on-lot sewage disposal systems anywhere within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without conflict.

Custom Solutions for your Septic Design Needs

AM Septic Design LLC can help with residential as well as non-residential projects such as churches and commercial projects. There are many technologies for use in sewage disposal available to us today, many of which have components that can be mixed and matched, and all of which have various regulatory restrictions and uses (it’s not so simple as a choice between in-ground or sand mound!). Understanding of State and Local regulations means AMSD can offer options that clients may not have known were available to them. The goal is to find the best options for the client and not to merely meet minimum requirements!

Working without the representation of a quality consultant is like going to court without a lawyer! Understanding the intricacies of on-lot sewage disposal positions AMSD as a trusted partner for all sewage disposal needs.

Contact Allen

Phone: 610-781-6931


Address: 51 Walnut Drive, Orwigsburg, PA 17961

Every site and system design is unique. Please call me so we can schedule a first site meeting to take a look at what you need.

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